Rihanna Is 'Inappropriately Sexual' According to Former Spice Girl Mel C

Unknown | 9:44 AM |

Former Spice Girls member Melanie Chisholm, also known as Sporty Spice and Mel C, has blasted Rihanna for being too racy and raunchy for her young fans.

The 37-year-old mother and girl-power advocate told UK's the Mirror, that despite being a fan of 23-year-old Rihanna's music, she is not a fan of her overly sexual image.

"People have to take some responsibility, because we've got to a point where over-sexualization of young children has gone too far," Mel explained. "I think music is a big part of that. Women in music, very successful women, are extremely sexual and they have young fans. It is inappropriate," the singer continued.

"Rihanna has responsibility and although culture's always changing, it's changed too much. It needs to be dealt with. It's reached saturation point. We owe it to our kids to protect them. Rihanna's free to do as she pleases, of course, but I think her take on the criticism she's had is interesting."

Mel might be referring to RiRi's defensive attitude in her response to critics saying her banned-in-11-countries 'S&M' video was all about sex.

"I love Rihanna, I think she's a f------ brilliant artist, with great songs, a great record and she looks fantastic ... but she's not a mum. Maybe if she becomes one she'll feel different. I hope so anyway."

Mel C isn't the first female celeb and music industry mom to call out RiRi on her hyper-sexy image. Gwen Stefani spoke her piece on the singer's scantily clad style, while fellow mom Jennifer Lopez defended Rihanna for keeping things interesting by pushing the boundaries.

Watch Rihanna's 'Man Down' Video

Rihanna - Man Down
Rihanna - Man Down


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