We suppose it might be impossible for an artist whose last name contains the name of an alcoholic beverage not to enjoy her libations. Only an even-less-subtle surname like Amy Drunk could more properly foretell the troubles the Grammy-winning “Party” girl would face in a downward spiral even Britney Spears circa 2007 might find alarming. Apparently trying to make a comeback, the troubled star only succeeded in making a sloppy spectacle of herself by appearing very intoxicated at a concert in Belgrade, effectively killing off most of our hopes that she might return to her former glory with a new album. Head below to see the painfully awkward footage (we apologize in advance).
Of course we’re still hoping for the best for this talented woman, but her incoherent shout-outs and stumbling during this performance does not bode well. It’s disappointing, since Winehouse was recently looking good and actually showing up for her half-decent concerts. (And to think we never thought we’d see a worse showing from her than this one.)
Maybe they should try again to make her go to rehab? And not take “no, no, no” for an answer this time?
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