Justin Bieber Makes Bank Off of Someday Perfume

Unknown | 1:41 AM |

Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber's Someday perfume should actually be called 'Payday' -- the 17-year-old pop star/entrepreneur has sold a staggering $3 million worth of the sweet-smelling stuff!

The Biebs may have bombed with his Vanity Fair cover, earning the mag their worst-selling issue in over a decade, but sales for his first women's fragrance are flying high. Bieber's $3 million-and-counting was earned in just under a month's time -- he launched Someday on June 23 with a memorable event at Macy's in New York City.

Macy's president Terry Lundgren announced, "Justin Bieber's Someday fragrance, propelled by Justin's incredible personal appearance at Macy's Herald Square, has resonated with our customers, and has now become the biggest celebrity fragrance launch on record." Take that, Vanity Fair!


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