Kelly Rowland Responds To Jeff Bhasker’s Harsh Tweets Via BET

Unknown | 12:28 AM |

Gotta hand it to Kelly Rowland — she’s not letting anyone stand in the way of the positive buzz she’s getting about “Motivation.” And yes, that includes hit-maker Jeff Bhasker, who lobbed a series of insults at the steamy tune via Twitter last week. After the Digging-featured producer tweeted that “Motivation” had “the weakest beat and melody of all time” and “the lyrics are horrid as well,” many were wondering if the “Feelin’ Me Right Now” songbird would fire back. Now, in a new interview with BET, Kelly finally lays it on him. See what she had to say below.
“You know what, the record speaks for itself,” Kelly told BET in an interview about her new #1 hit. “Opinions are like **sholes, everybody’s got one. He’s made wonderful music with my sister and other artists. There’s no reason for me to say anything negative. ‘Cause I won’t tell you the thought that is really in my head. I’ll just kill ‘em with kindness.”
Given that Bhasker produced many tracks on Beyonce’s 4, it’s nice to see Kelly keeping things in perspective and keeping Bey out of the controversy.
Instead, Kelly chose to focus on the positive: “Number one feels like number one. It feels wonderful. Especially for it to be on the charts so long. I think ‘Motivation’ opened up a different chapter for me. It really did.”
You can read BET’s full interview here.


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