Amy Winehouse Rumor Report: What’s True, What’s False?

Unknown | 11:59 AM |

amy-winehouse-500x750It’s no surprise that in the weeks following Amy Winehouse’s death, countless news stories about the singer’s personal and professional life have surfaced. In the last few days alone, there have been so many reports and rumors flung around, it’s hard to keep track of what’s true, what’s gossip, and what’s still a mystery. Let’s explore the latest headlines to befall Amy’s name in the last few days:
#1. Amy Winehouse was in the process of adopting a 10-year-old girl from St. Lucia.
UK’s The Mirror reports that while spending time in St. Lucia, Amy befriended 10-year-old Dannika Augustine, a child living in poverty with her single mother. Amy allegedly wanted to adopt her and was in the middle of filing paperwork with lawyers when she passed away.
True Or False? Shocking absolutely no one, this one was quickly knocked down as just a rumor. Not like we needed anybody to confirm that for us – we already find it incredibly hard to believe that a young, single woman with a highly publicized drug problem would be able to adopt a girl whose mother is still alive and living with her.
#2. Amy bought lots of drugs the night before she died.UK’s The Daily Mail reports that Amy purchased about $2000 worth of crack and heroin the night before her death.
True Or False?: 56-year-old “drug fixer” (we supposed that’s different than the actual drug dealer) Tony Azzopardi went to police with his story, so the fact that this isn’t an anonymous source makes us tend to believe it. However, his story doesn’t match up with Amy’s parents’ claims that she was three-weeks sober, or the fact that no drugs were found inside her home at the time of her death. Plus, The Daily Mail previously reported that Amy died from a combination of ecstasy, ketamine and cocaine. We wouldn’t be surprised if none of the above scenarios turned out to be true as they all seem to contradict the other.
#3. She was secretly engaged to boyfriend Reg Traviss.
UK’sThe Sun reports that Reg proposed to Amy with a diamond ring weeks before her death, and that the two – who had been seeing one another for two years – planned to marry next year. Amy allegedly was committed to cleaning up her act and spending the rest of her life with Reg.
True Or False?: Did we mention The Sun reported this? Still, it’s not the craziest rumor to surface about the singer. Though if she had been given a diamond ring, don’t you think we would have spied her wearing it at some point?
#4. Amy’s third album was all about her divorce, and will be released soon.According to, once again, The Daily Mail, Amy’s Back To Black follow-up was her most personal yet, and detailed her struggles following the divorce of her first husband, Blake Fielder-Civil. It will be released posthumously.
True Or False?:
There’s no way of knowing yet, though The Daily Telegraph previously reported that any recordings Amy did were in the demo phase, ie. unfinished. What we do know for certain, though, is that Amy will be featured on Tony Bennett’s upcoming Duets album, collaborating with the legendary singer on “Body And Soul”.


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