Footage of the attack on Lavigne, who was performing in Brazil back in February, has recently surfaced. Crouched atop a piano, and just settling into a "really special song" for her fans (a cover of Coldplay's 'Fix You'), a man appeared from the crowds and ran toward Avril.
Avril let out a high-pitched squeal and rolled herself into a ball as she was grabbed by her surprise assailant, who was then quickly grabbed by two security guards and yanked off stage.
Avril took a moment to process what just happened, while the crowd continued to scream and cheer. After the initial shock wore off, Avril smiled and laughed off the incident, telling the crowd, "just getting in the moment!" "Let's try that again," she added like a true performer.
Remember when Rihanna was grabbed by concertgoer back in May? Looks like fans are getting pretty bold these days!
Watch Avril Lavigne Get Attacked on Stage @ 00:32
Watch Avril Lavigne Perform 'Smile' at Sessions
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