Taylor Swift Pays Tribute to 'Chaperone Dads'

Unknown | 10:08 AM |

Taylor Swift

If you've been to a Taylor Swift concert, you've seen them. In fact, you can't miss them, as they're the tallest fans in the crowd: chaperone dads.

"They're holding the signs that their teenage daughters have made," the country superstar jokes with Australian talk show hosts 'Hamish & Andy.'

"And their daughters have held up the glittery signs for the first half of the show, but then they're like, 'Dad, hold this!' And then they've got glitter all over their khaki pants and plaid shirts. But they're doing the right thing!"

To pay tribute to those fantastic fathers doing the "right thing" by escorting their young daughters to her shows, Taylor, accompanied by Hamish and Andy, sings a new little ditty called 'Chaperone Dads.'

Watch their funny performance in the video below.

Watch Taylor Swift Perform 'Chaperone Dads'


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